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News Above the Noise—Week of February 25, 2024

News Above the Noise—Week of February 25, 2024

By The Sunday Paper Team
M389.2 48h70.6L305.6 224.2 487 464H345L233.7 318.6 106.5 464H35.8L200.7 275.5 26.8 48H172.4L272.9 180.9 389.2 48zM364.4 421.8h39.1L151.1 88h-42L364.4 421.8z

1. Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?

The very device many parents use as a lifeline to their kids has its own growing set of dangers. In 2017, The Atlantic posed the question: Have smartphones destroyed a generation? And in the years since, we’ve learned that these adverse effects carry into adulthood, with studies showing a depressing relationship between the age a kid first gets a smartphone and their mental health later in life. To learn more, click here.

2. How Yulia Navalnaya is Rallying Russians

For more than two decades, Yulia Navalnaya has shunned any political role, leaving that work to her husband, Aleksei A. Navalny. That changed after the Russian government announced Navalny’s death in a maximum-security penal colony—and Navalnaya blamed Vladimir V. Putin and announced she was taking up his cause. To learn more about Navalnaya, don’t miss this excellent article.

3. A Family Dinner with My Wife and Girlfriend

This week’s Modern Love column is a must-read by Adam Townsend, whose 59-year-old wife was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s—and a decade later, he fell in love with another woman. You can read the beautiful love story here.

4. 23 Funny and Endearing Tweets About Grandparents

There’s nothing like a grandparent-grandchild bond—or the entertaining interactions that can happen in these special relationships. For a handful of funny, endearing tweets about the sweet connection between grandparents and their grandkids, click here.

Editor's Note: Every week, The Sunday Paper's team of journalists sift through the news to find what Rises Above the Noise, makes sense of what's happening in the world, and provides hope for your week to come. While we do our best to provide our own informative summary of each piece, some publications require their own subscriptions beyond our control.

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