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News Above the Noise—Week of January 28, 2024

News Above the Noise—Week of January 28, 2024

By The Sunday Paper Team
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1. How to Save a Broken Society

In his most recent op-ed for The New York Times, David Brooks argues that one of the reasons we’ve become so sad, lonely, and mean as a society is because we’ve become “overpoliticized, while growing increasingly undermoralized, underspiritualized, and undercultured.” The antidote? More culture—more music, art, and literature—all of which provide us with experiences to “understand ourselves in light of others—the way we are like them and the way we are different,” as Brooks writes. To read this excellent, insightful piece, click here.

2. Did You Take the 30-Second Power Test This Week?

All of us want to stay healthy as we age, and we know exercise is a crucial part of making that goal a reality. Yet while most think of cardio, strength, and balance as the optimal mix of exercise, there’s another element that’s just as critical yet doesn’t get nearly the same amount of attention: power. For the information you need to know, plus a simple test that’ll help you tell if you’re losing power, click here.

3. More Americans Are Nonreligious

In the last five decades, the number of Americans with no religious affiliation has gone from 5 percent to nearly 30 percent, and a new report sheds new light on this growing group of “nonreligious” people. For more on the findings and what they mean, click here.

4. What Does the Word "Grit" Mean to the Detroit Lions?

Today, the Detroit Lions play in the NFC Championship game—a victory in and of itself after so many years of bitter disappointment—and many say they’re here right now because “grit” has been integral to the team’s approach to football. The word is on the walls lining their training facility and appears on the team’s apparel. But what does “grit” actually mean for the Lions? To find out, click here.

Editor's Note: Every week, The Sunday Paper's team of journalists sift through the news to find what Rises Above the Noise, makes sense of what's happening in the world, and provides hope for your week to come. While we do our best to provide our own informative summary of each piece, some publications require their own subscriptions beyond our control.

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